Why regular electrical inspections are essential for home safety

Regular Electrical Inspections by Qualified Electricians Enhance Home Safety

So much can affect the quality of an electrical system. They include how the family members use outlets, rodents damaging the wiring, or new appliances straining the existing electrical system. Regular electrical inspections provide two advantages. One is that the inspection identifies potential electrical issues before they compromise occupant safety. The second is the inspection, which identifies existing electrical problems and the repairs that homeowners often postpone when the problem seems minor.

Why Regular Electrical Inspections Make Sense

Regular electrical inspections make sense for every home, new and old. Experienced electricians are trained to identify problems in various electrical system configurations based on factors like the appliances in use and indications. The following are some examples.

• The house is newly purchased, so an initial electrical inspection provides assurance the electrical system is in good condition. After that, periodic inspections are important to ensure the panel, wiring, and outlets safely accommodate how the occupants use the system.

• The home is over 40 years old, and the wiring is not updated. In this case, the electrician will make recommendations for upgrades. If not updated, the electrical inspections are crucial for safety reasons.

• In some households, family members regularly overload circuits. The electrical inspection can check the system’s electrical load to ensure it is not too high. 

• Outdoor electrical inspections are as necessary as indoor ones. The electrician can inspect weatherproof outlets, GFCI breakers, lights, wiring, and other electrical fixtures. These are electrical components susceptible to corrosion. Periodic inspections can detect developing problems. 

• Electrical wiring in any home can fray, or faulty wiring creates a problem over time. The electrician will look for visible signs of wiring issues, check the electrical panel for signs of overheating or damage, and test switches and outlets.

Establish an Electrical Record

The advantage of regular electrical inspections is that it establishes a record of the electrical system’s condition. The initial inspection is a benchmark. Subsequent inspections can detect developing electrical problems more easily as usage changes over time. For example, after the initial inspection, a new stove and the addition of the electric fireplace and outdoor electric grill may now compromise the electrical system. Even the weather can cause issues when water or moisture seeps into wiring areas. 

Regular electrical inspections every one to three years are recommended, depending on the age of the house. 

Contact London Electric to schedule regular electrical inspections with our experienced electricians. It is an important step in ensuring you do all you can to protect your family.

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Established in 1972, London Electric Ltd. has been providing exceptional workmanship and customer service in London and surrounding areas for 50+ years.

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